Intracranial Hemorrhage
Intracranial hemorrhages (ICH) impact over two million individuals worldwide, with a high patient mortality rate of 40-50% within one month and 80% disability despite aggressive care.
Early and precise diagnosis of ICH is crucial for prompt therapeutic responses and improved outcomes.
CINA-ICH is able to detect suspected intracranial hemorrhage on Non-Contrast CT Scan, significantly reducing turnaround time for head trauma injuries, and hemorrhagic stroke patients.
CINA-ICH is capable of identifying five categories of intracranial hemorrhages, which encompass: IPH – Intraparenchymal, IVH – Intraventricular, SAH – Subarachnoid, SDH – Subdural, and EDH – Epidural.
Learn more about the validation of our CINA-ICH solution.